The 29th Mix Brasil Festival happens when in-person activities are being fully resumed, with most of its programming taking place in six rooms spread across the city of São Paulo. Another good share of it remains online, as the pandemic has already shown that the hybrid model will be the rule in the world.

We reconquered the public interaction – following all health and safety protocols – keeping however expanded and democratic access to films, performances, shows, lectures and workshops, something only made possible through digital platforms. It was through them that last year we managed to more than triple the number of people who attended the Mix Brasil program.

For this year’s festival, we tried to bring a message of movement, resistance and healing empowered by the expression of our voices in cultural production. Our very existence as LGBTQIA+ people is political. Thus, the theme “Culture of Diversity. Present”, created by our partners at Isobar, encapsulates the effort undertaken by our brave team, by so many talents participating in this edition and by everyone who produces and consumes culture in hard times like these. Our Mix Icon 2021, Ney Mattogrosso, brings in his body an experience of 80 years without accepting labels, or even better, living above them and inspiring us to keep moving forward.

The programming is amazing as always and mature as ever. We dug for awarded films in the main festivals in the world with exclusive screenings, we’ll premiere shows developed in artistic residencies at Dramática, in a partnership with the Cultural Center of Diversity, we are also bringing new ways of reflection for our community at Mix Literário, Mix Talks and Mix Lab, and revealing new talents in Mix Music. Traditions are also being kept alive with the priceless The Gong Show hosted by Marisa Orth, the only Mix Brasil event that is kept 100% offline.

Many are the challenges to be dealt with the continuous attacks on culture and minority groups in Brazil, the fair demands guiding anti-oppression debates and the new technological and economic reality that’s been radically transforming the audiovisual and entertainment industries. Many are the challenges to be dealt with the continuous attacks on culture and minority groups in Brazil, the fair demands guiding anti-oppression debates and the new technological and economic reality that’s been radically transforming the audiovisual and entertainment industries.

Our Mix Brasil Play streaming platform keeps a growing archive of different types of content throughout the year – it’s meant to grow even more with the addition of our own stuff that’s being produced.

All this could only be managed with the essential renewing of partnership with Mercado Livre, Itaú, Spcine and Sesc SP, among others dear partners and supporters.

Nearly three decades after, Mix Brasil Festival remains as that special moment of the year we get together and reflect on how to build a better world where being and loving, in every possible way, is respected and appreciated.

Culture of Diversity. Present!